WAM gives back


WAM gives back to the local Western Washington state communities by being actively involved in growing the sport of Dragon Boat Racing, by performing educational endeavors, and participating in charitable functions and community support.

If there's an event you'd like to share with WAM please send the info and website link to us at the Community Services Committee.


Community Services Committee Charter

1.  Purpose 

          a.  The goals of the Community Services Committee are to:

· Have the Washington Masters Dragon Boat Club (WAM) give back to local Western Washington state communities by participating in charitable functions and community support.
· Support Black Lives Matter and BIPOC movements in our community by focusing on volunteer opportunities.
· Volunteer for programs that aim to promote well-being, opportunity, sustainability, as well as build stronger communities.

2.  Committee Membership and Operation

a.  The Community Services Committee shall be comprised of 3 – 5 members.  Any WAM Member can volunteer to be on the committee and require WAM board members’ approval.
b.  The term of the members of the Community Services Committee shall be 2 years.  Terms can be renewed.  Terms will be staggered to ensure continuity in membership.  (This means that when the committee is formed, some members will have a term of one year only.)
c.  The Chair of the committee shall be selected from among its members by the committee.
d.  Meetings of the Community Services Committee will be held as needed at a time determined to be convenient by the majority of its members.  A majority of the members present shall constitute a quorum.

3.  Scope of Work

a.  Seek and reach out to local community organizations to create collaboration opportunities.

b.  Take suggestions from WAM members about different opportunities and evaluate the feasibility and alignment with WAM community outreach commitment.
c.  Offer opportunities to WAM members, throughout the year, to volunteer in our local Western Washington state communities.

This will take time and hard work. We commit to both.  WAM BAM!